Command line basics for WordPress

As a site-admin-turned-developer, I know exactly how intimidating the command line can be…and exactly how valuable it is when working with WordPress. In this session I’ll demystify the command line and empower YOU to take advantage of some powerful tools in the WordPress ecosystem. With a basic grasp of the command line you’ll work more quickly, do more, and understand more of the tech behind your WordPress site.

We’ll cover:
* The basics of the command line: What’s a terminal? What’s a text editor? How do I navigate my file structure? How do I find files, remove files, all that fun stuff?
* What are file permissions?
* What’s the difference between SSH and SFTP?
* What is version control and how in the heck do you use Git?
* Why should I use wp-cli? And more importantly, *how* do I use wp-cli?
* How do I manage configuration via the command line?

It’s not a workshop, but bring your laptop if you’d like to follow along.

Note: This session focuses on *nix systems. That means Mac OSX, Linux, and other Unix-like systems. If you have a Windows machine, I recommend installing VirtualBox in advance of the session.
